
New issue of the Journal of Epigraphic Studies

Please find enclosed herewith a leaflet advertising the publication of The Journal of Epigraphic Studies 7 (2024), including the table of contents as well as a subscription form.

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Tyche Supplementband 16

The volume “Latin Inscriptions from the Legionary Fortress of Apulum”, published by George Cupcea (National Museum of Transylvanian History, Cluj, Romania), in the series Tyche Supplementband (no. 16), of the Institute of Ancient History and Classical Studies, Papyrology and Epigraphy of the University of Vienna, is published by Holzhausen.

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Epigrafia ostiense dopo il CIL. 2000 iscrizioni funerarie

Gli autori e le Edizioni Ca' Foscari sono lieti di comunicare che è finalmente disponibile al seguente link il volume: Epigrafia ostiense dopo il CIL. 2000 iscrizioni funerarie. Nuova edizione ampliata, riveduta e corretta nel testo e negli indici, Venezia 2023.

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A partire dal numero LXXXVI (2024) la rivista “Epigraphica” viene pubblicata dall’Editore “L’ERMA di Bretschneider” di Roma (

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Annuncio pubblicazione CIL IV suppl. 4,3

CIL IV Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae Herculanenses Stabianae. Suppl. pars 4. Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae Herculanenses Stabianae. Fasc. 3
Herausgegeben von Antonio Varone

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L'Année épigraphique 2020

Mireille Corbier (, directeur de L’Année épigraphique, fait savoir que L’Année épigraphique 2020 (1720 notices et 1043 pages dont 234 pages d’index) a été publiée en août 2023 et est disponible. Les commandes doivent être adressées aux Presses Universitaires de France (

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WoPoss corpus

We are very happy to announce a new release of the WoPoss corpus containing a selection of the Latin inscriptions of the Republican age, annotated with regards to modality according to the WoPoss guidelines, along with the adding of about 90 entries to the EDR database.

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