AIEGL Prizes in Greek and Latin Epigraphy
Two AIEGL prizes (to be advertized every five years), one of which will be awarded for a work in the field of Greek epigraphy, the other for a work in the field of Latin epigraphy, consist of 2.500 Euro each and are reserved to works almost ready for publication but not published yet. The works may consist in a corpus of inscriptions or in a study essentially concerned with epigraphic material.
PDF of the complete manuscripts should be sent together with a letter of acceptance written by the editor of a scientific series or from a publishing house. The prizes are intended to support early career scholars who are members of AIEGL.
The Bureau has appointed a Committee of specialists, the so-called III homines, who will examine the works and will appoint the winners; the works, once published, should acknowledge the financial support of AIEGL.
The “Prix d’Épigraphie” are awarded in the years when the Congress takes place. The next “Prix d’Épigraphie” will be awarded in 2022 on the occasion of the CIEGL in Bordeaux.