Grant Application for Epigraphic Educational and Training Courses and Workshops

The Association Internationale d’Épigraphie Grecque et Latine offers two grants of up to 500 Euros each to support the organisation (not attendance) of epigraphic educational and training courses and workshops.

The following conditions apply.

  • Applicants must be AIEGL members and have paid their membership fee for the current year.
  • Due to limited funds, the maximum grant for any event will be 500 Euros.
  • Applications should be submitted by 30 March and 30 September.
  • Applications will be assessed and ranked by the AIEGL officers and awards will be made on their recommendations, subject to the availability of funds.
  • Events supported by AIEGL must be open to all qualified applicants and not restricted to students from particular institutions or countries.
  • AIEGL is keen to support all forms of training in Greek and Latin epigraphy, including the promotion of digital epigraphy, in line with its own objectives and priorities.
  • Successful applicants must submit a 300-word report within one month of the conclusion of the event, in a format suitable for publication on the AIEGL web-site.

Completed applications, consisting of the following documentation, should be sent by email attachment to the Secretary General, Celia Sánchez Natalías (

  1. Name, institutional affiliation, and contact details of applicant.
  2. Title, location, and purpose of the meeting.
  3. The expected numbers, nationalities, and academic statuses (undergraduate or graduate student, postdoctoral or independent researcher, junior or senior faculty) of participants expected to attend.
  4. Outline of the programme and teaching staff.
  5. Detailed budget, including any other actual or potential sources of funding.
  6. What use will be made of the AIEGL grant?

Previous Winners