

Thursday, 2024-10-17

Equestrian OffIcers as between social connections and grooup dynamics.

Workshop of the RIDERS project.

Prof. Delfim F. Leâo Coimbra/Portugal
Chilon and the Seven Wise Men: Milestones in the Establishment of a Literary Tradition

Thursday, 2024-10-24

Prof. Véronique Dasen Fribourg/Switzerland
Locus Ludi. The Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity

Wednesday, 2024-11-13

Prof. Marietta Horster Mainz/Germany
Roman Cities – a world of (inscribed) texts

Thursday, 2024-11-21

International Congress
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
21st & 22nd November 2024

Thursday, 2024-11-28

Prof. Alberto Bernabé Madrid/Spain
La difícil definición de τὰ Ὀρφικά

Wednesday, 2025-01-08

Dal 9 all’11 gennaio 2025 si terrà la nona edizione del Seminario Avanzato di Epigrafia Greca (SAEG IX).

Thursday, 2025-03-06

Place and date: University of Groningen, the Netherlands, March 6th-7th, 2025.
Organizers: Valentina Vari (Groningen-Rome Sapienza), Caroline van Toor (Groningen), Saskia Peels-Matthey (Groningen), Onno van Nijf (Groningen).
Invited speakers: Prof. Dr. Alex Mullen (University of Nottingham), Prof. Dr. Bruno Rochette (Université de Liège), Prof. Dr. Silvia Orlandi (Sapienza Università di Roma, president AIEGL).

Wednesday, 2025-05-21

la XXVI Rencontre franco-italienne sur l’épigraphie du monde romain si terrà a Caen nei giorni 21-23 maggio 2025 e avrà come tema «Ruptures et mutations des cultures épigraphiques dans le monde romain, IIIe s. a. C. – VIe s. p. C.»

Monday, 2025-07-07

We would like to remind you that the upcoming 17th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d’études classiques will be hosted by the Polish Philological Association at the University of Wrocław, Poland, from 7th to 11th July 2025.