Géza Alföldy awards

Amongst a very strong pool of applicants with really interesting proposals, the tres homines praemis dandis grant the research award to:

Dr. Angela Cinalli (Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University), Πτανοῖς Ποσίν. Following the path of itinerant professionals of literacy and music of the Hellenistic Period. The case study of Crete. (Host Institution: University of Crete (Department of Philology, Division of Classical Studies)

The tres homines praemis dandis grant the publication award to:

Sara Chiarini (Universität Magdeburg), The so-called Nonsense Inscriptions on Ancient Greek Vases. Between Paideia and Paidiá, which is about to appear as the 10th volume of the series Brill Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy (https://brill.com/view/title/38494?format=HC).

Our warmest congratulations to the winners!