Prix d’Épigraphie

On the occasion of CIEGL in Bordeaux, AIEGL will award two “Prix d’Épigraphie”, one for a work in the field of Greek epigraphy, and the other for a work in the field of Latin epigraphy. The prizes consist of 2.500 Euros each and are for works almost ready for publication but not yet published, written in one of the official languages of the association. The works may consist in a corpus of inscriptions or in a study primarily focused on epigraphic material; the prizes are intended to support early career scholars who are members of AIEGL.

How to apply:

A PDF copy of the complete manuscript and a CV must be submitted together with a letter of acceptance by the editor of a book series or by a publisher. The closing date for applications is June 15th.

The Bureau has appointed a Committee of specialists, the so-called III homines praemiis dandis, who will examine the submitted works and decide on the awards; once published, the works should acknowledge the financial support received by AIEGL.

Please send your application to