AIEGL's Circular letter July 2017: Proxy vote & change of Statutes art.6

Dear friends and colleagues,

in case you won't be able to attend the General Assembly on 31 August 2017 in Vienna, please use this form to authorize one of your colleagues to vote for you, see Art. 6 of the statutes:

“Every member may exercise the right to vote in person or by a written authority given to another member. In no case may a member be charged with more than three such written authorities.”


I hereby authorize the active member of AIEGL (full name, city) to vote in my name on 31 of August 2017 at the General Assembly of AIEGL in Vienna according to the Statutes art. 6.

Hiermit autorisiere ich das aktive Mitglied der AIEGL (Vollständiger Name, Stadt) in meinem Namen nach Art. 6 der Statuten am 31. August 2017 in Wien bei der Vollversammlung der AIEGL zu wählen.


Datum, Unterschrift/date, signature


The following motion for the extension of Art. 6 of the Statutes shall be submitted to the same General Meeting by the bureau:
Bei derselben Vollversammlung wird vom Vorstand ein Antrag auf Erweiterung von Art. 6 der Statuten durch den folgenden Passus gestellt:

“In cases where a quorum cannot be obtained, the Association may exceptionally proceed to a vote by correspondence or electronic vote.”

Many thanks for your interest!
On behalf of the bureau of AIEGL

Manfred G. Schmidt
Praesident Association d'Epigraphie Grecque et Latine
c/o Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
10117 Berlin, Unter den Linden 8