Christmas 2021

Dear Friends and Members,

in the past months we all have learned to adapt ourselves, more or less easily, to the odd circumstances in which we are living, finding new ways to make usual things, learning to love even the hard side of life, like this dog, peacefully sleeping on the edge of a door…

Our association has done its best to do the same despite any difficulties, sponsoring conferences and summer schools, granting prizes for epigraphy courses and research stipendia, thanks to the restless activity of our members.

But even more interesting times are waiting for us in the next year, when the XVI International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy will take place (Bordeaux, August 29th – September 2nd 2022). The AIEGL will play an important role, supporting the participation of its members, granting the traditional prize for two forthcoming publications, sponsoring - for the first time - an “AIEGL lecture” that will be given by Attilio Mastino on the day of the General Assembly (August 31st). Be ready to give your own contribution as voters, candidates, speakers and listeneres: more detailed information will follow at the beginning of the new year.

In the meanwhile, I wish you and all of us a more relaxed year, with more pillows than hard edges, full of hope, happiness, and – above all – health.
