AIEGL prizes 2022

On September 2nd, during the closing ceremony of the International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy in Bordeaux, the AIEGL prizes 2022 have been awarded by the Vice President of the Association, Denis Rousset.

The AIEGL prize for Greek Epigraphy goes to Sebastian Prignitz for the volume
Bauurkunden und Bauprogramm von Epidauros II (350–300)
Abaton · Kleisia · Aphroditetempel Artemistempel · Theater · Epidoteion
ἐπὶ Κυνὸς σκανάματα

The AIEGL prize for Latin Epigraphy goes to Claudia Gatta for the volume
Les briqueteries et l’opus doliare estampillé de la famille des Domitii.
L’analyse et l’intégration des estampilles dans l’histoire d’un patrimoine sénatorial.

A full report of the ceremony will be given in the next edition of the Nouvelles de l'AIEGL, to be published in Epigraphica 2023.

Thanks to the tre homines praemiis dandis (Enrica Culasso, Ségolène Demougin, Manfred Schmidt) for their wonderful job, and see you in 2027 for the next Prix d'Épigraphie!