75 years of FIEC – second lecture series

FIEC is proud to announce the second series of lectures celebrating the 75th anniversary of its foundation, to be held online in April, May and June 2024.
Please find below and attached the program of the second series of lectures; links for the online lectures will follow shortly. The program is also available on the FIEC website, where lecture recordings will be posted after each lecture.
All interested are welcome!
75 years of FIEC - Program of the second lecture series
Thursday 11 April 2024, 19h00 CEST
Prof. Filippomaria Pontani (Venezia/Italy)
Vingt-quatre pattes de mouche : Greek manuscripts and beyond
Thursday 25 April 2024, 19h00 CEST
Prof. Joy Connolly (American Council of Learned Societies)
Beyond “Greece and Rome”
Thursday 9 May 2024, 19h00 CEST
Prof. Carmen Codoñer (Salamance/Spain)
Humanismo: transiciones. Texto y contexto
Thursday 23 May 2024, 19h00 CEST
Prof. Denis Rousset (EPHE – Sorbonne, Paris/France)
Comment publier les inscriptions grecques et latines au XXIe s. ?
Thursday 13 June 2024, 19h00 CEST
Prof. Stefan Rebenich (Berne/Switzerland)
“Alte Geschichte in Forschung und Lehre”: A very brief survey of the development of Ancient History in Germany over the last fifty years