75 years of FIEC – lecture series

FIEC is pleased to announce that the recordings of the 15 lectures organized to celebrate the 75th anniversary of its foundation are now available on the FIEC website: https://www.fiecnet.org/75-years-fiec
The lecture series included the following speakers:
1) Prof. Franco Montanari (Genoa/Italy)
L’evoluzione della filología ed erudizione antica da Zenodoto alle raccolte antiquarie
2) Prof. Charlotte Schubert (Leipzig/Germany)
Die Zukunft der Altertumswissenschaften: Hermeneutik und Digitalität
3) Prof. Sofía Torallas (Chicago/U.S.A.)
Material Vessels of Ancient Magic: a case study in the transmission of Classical knowledge
4) Prof. David Konstan (New York/U.S.A.)
Anger, Revenge, and Community: The Importance of Respect
5) Prof. Arlene Holmes Henderson (Durham/U.K.)
Classics in schools: past, present and future
6) Prof. Darío P.R. Maiorana (Rosario, Argentina)
Prospectiva de los Estudios Clásicos en el siglo XXI
7) Prof. Filippomaria Pontani (Venezia/Italy)
Vingt-quatre pattes de mouche : Greek manuscripts and beyond
8) Prof. Joy Connolly (American Council of Learned Societies)
Beyond “Greece and Rome”
9) Prof. Carmen Codoñer (Salamanca/Spain)
Humanismo: transiciones. Texto y contexto
10) Prof. Denis Rousset (EPHE – Sorbonne, Paris/France)
Comment publier les inscriptions grecques et latines au XXIe s. ?
11) Prof. Stefan Rebenich (Berne/Switzerland)
“Alte Geschichte in Forschung und Lehre”: A very brief survey of the development of Ancient History in Germany over the last fifty years
12) Prof. Delfim F. Leâo (Coimbra/Portugal)
Chilon and the Seven Wise Men: Milestones in the Establishment of a Literary Tradition
13) Prof. Véronique Dasen (Fribourg/Switzerland)
Locus Ludi. The Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity
14) Prof. Marietta Horster (Mainz/Germany)
Roman Cities – a world of (inscribed) texts
15) Prof. Alberto Bernabé (Madrid/Spain)
La dificil definición de τὰ Ὀρφικά