Nouvelles de l'AIEGL 2012

  • Bureau

    Président: Stephen Mitchell; Vice-président: Manfred Schmidt; Secrétaire générale: Angela Donati; Secrétaire général adjoint: Christian Witschel; Trésorier: Anne Kolb; Vérificateurs aux comptes: Marco Buonocore, Miltos Hatzopoulos.

  • Membres du Comité

    John Bodel, Lásló Borhy, Ségolène Demougin, Jonathan Edmondson, José d’Encarnaçao, Mika Kajava, Manfred Hainzmann, Emilio Marin, Ioan Piso, Jonathan Prag, Athanassios Rizakis, Antonio Caballos Rufino, Marjeta Šašel Kos, Claudio Zaccaria.

  • President's letter

    Dear AIEGL members and colleagues,

    This is my final newsletter to be written before the 14th Epigraphy Congress to be held in Berlin, 27-31 August 2012.

    The death of Géza Alföldy, who contributed more to the progress of Latin Epigraphy, and in particular to Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, than any other individual scholar since Mommsen, has been a dire loss. Meetings dedicated to his memory, which have also provided an early appraisal of his contributions to scholarship, have been held in Germany, Italy, and his native Hungary. Both formally and informally we may look forward to further reflections on his life and career at the Berlin Congress and at Tarraco biennal, the 1st international congress of archeology on Nov. 29/30 in Tarragona.

    At the time of writing there have been 350 registrations for the Congress including more than 140 AIEGL members. Despite increasingly difficult financial circumstances, that are now apparent in many part of Europe, the programme and the location chosen for the Congress are clearly proving attractive to many epigraphic scholars.

    I would like to urge all AIEGL members who have not already registered for the Congress to do so. We will hold our general assembly during the Congress in Berlin and there will be important votes for the officer and committee positions in the next five years, and also to decide where the 2017 Epigraphic Congress is to be held. Several nominations have been received for the officer positions and for membership of AIEGL’s Comité. Further nominations may be sought at the time of the Congress itself, in order to achieve a good balance of national representation on the Comité.

    Meanwhile, two excellent proposals for staging the 2017 Congress have been received from colleagues in Istanbul and Vienna. Details of these proposals will be sent to all AIEGL members and a decision will be reached on the basis of a majority vote at the AIEGL General Assembly in Berlin on Thursday 30 August at 18.00. You will have to be present to cast your vote in this decision.

    The current members of the Comité met for a final session on 31 May and 1 June in Budapest, at a meeting organised in collaboration with László Borhy. Decisons were made about AIEGL bursaries to be made to scholars attending the Berlin Congress, and preparations made for the elections and votes that will take place there. We also discussed a proposal that AIEGL itself should promote epigraphic training workshops over the next five years, especially in countries and regions where these have not taken place previously. Submissions have been made for the two AIEGL prizes, awarded to the best work in Greek and Latin Epigraphy by younger scholars, and these will be announced in Berlin.

    I am personally very grateful to AIEGL’s Treasurer, Anne Kolb, and Secretary-General, Angela Donati, as well as, and in particular, to Rosemary Bor in Zurich, who have taken enormous trouble to revise our membership lists, so that these now correspond with fully paid-up members. We also, gratifyingly, have virtually complete e-mail address lists for the membership, which makes communication more efficient and dependable.

    However, we are aware that there is still important work to be done, in building up AIEGL as an effective and active virtual community, and further development of the web-site has been undertaken to achieve this, especially under the auspices of the Vice-President, Manfred Schmidt. The web-site is due to be launched in a revised new format on 1 July. Between then and the Berlin Congress we urge members to visit and use the site. It should be possible for everybody registered on the site to post information about future epigraphic events and other relevant matters, and there will be a public demonstration of the site in Berlin. In the future we hope that it can develop as an efficient and reliable source of information for the epigraphic community as a whole, and in particular for AIEGL members.

  • Premio AIEGL. We can announce a new round of grants to support epigraphic workshops or training schools in 2013. A total of € 2000 will be available, to be allocated in grants of € 500 or, exceptionally, € 1000. You can access the simple application form on the AIEGL web-site (see Prix d'Épigraphie). The closing date for applications is 30 November 2012.

    I would end with a simple reminder that the membership fee for AIEGL now stands at € 20 per year. If you are not yet a member, or if your subscription has recently lapsed, please subscribe now. Our regulations state that a member who has not paid membership fees for three successive years without dispensation to do so will be removed from the list after receiving two reminders from the Treasurer.

    Your subscriptions fund all our activities, and also entitle you to play a full part in elections and other events. Scholars from France, the United Kingdom and the United States are encouraged to join AIEGL through their membership of their national associations. For details about how to make your payment, please see Membership Payment.

    I look forward to seeing many of you in Berlin at the Congress between 27 and 31 August 2012.

    With best wishes, Stephen Mitchell, AIEGL President

  • Cotisation et modalities de paiement

    Individual annual membership is 20 Euros.

    Bank Transfer

    Payments by bank transfer are directed as follows:

    • Credit Suisse, Rue du Lion d’Or 5-7, CH-1002 Lausanne, Switzerland
    • Account No. 318740-41 A.I.E.G.L.;
    • Clearing No.: 4835
    • IBAN: CH84 0483 5031 8740 4100 0

    A standing-order is advisable: order your bank to pay 20 € on a regular yearly basis. Or pay for more than just one year at a time to save bank charges. Kindly make sure AIEGL gets the full amount credited (i.e. 20.00 per year) by instructing your bank to effect payment without any bank charges to AIEGL.

    Credit Card payment is acceptable for 3-year or longer subscriptions.

    VISA or Mastercard are accepted, they charge between 3.5% to 4% commission. To debit your card with the dues we need the following details: card type (Mastercard or VISA), number, expiry date and name as shown on card.

    Card details are best being sent by FAX to: 0041 44 634 36 91.

  • Changements d’adresses

    Il est indispensable que toute addition, correction, intégration ou modifications soit signalée au Secrétariat général, afin que les circulaires ne s’égarent pas. Il est indispensable signaler au Secrétariat général ( l’adresse du courrier électronique.