Doctoral workshop on ‘Writing in urban and peri-urban contexts: reading and studying inscriptions in their archaeological context’
From 11 to 15 July 2016, the École Française de Rome will offer a doctoral workshop on ‘Writing in urban and peri-urban contexts: reading and studying inscriptions in their archaeological context’. The workshop aims at introducing some of the challenges, problems and methods related to the study of writing and its use in urban and peri-urban spaces. In addition to a presentation of the methods and tools of epigraphy, the workshop will seek to characterize the epigraphic habits of different areas that make up the fabric of a city, both in its everyday and exceptional expressions. The workshop is aimed at students of epigraphy (PhD students or PDs), but also and especially at historians and archaeologists whose research issues would overlap with these questions and who have a moderate familiarity with this kind of evidence. Lessons will be held in French, Italian and English: good skill in these languages is therefore required. A contribution of 150 Euros is required for the cost of accommodation, meals and tuition. The deadline for application is 1 March 2016.
Full information on the workshop and how to apply can be obtained here: