Archaia Grammata
Ioannou School, 66 St Giles, Oxford
“Archaia Grammata. The Local scripts of Archaic Greece. A conference in memory of L. H. Jeffery (1915-1986).” June 30, July 1, Ioannou School, 66 St Giles, Oxford.
Provisional list of speakers and topics:
Charles Crowther, ‘The Anne Jeffery Archive’.
Laurent Dubois, ‘Les nouveautés alphabétiques en pays ioniens’.
Peter Haarer, "Letter Frequencies and 'Retrograde' in Early Alphabetic Greek Writing".
Alan Johnston, ‘LSAG Dodona a no-no?’.
Nino Luraghi, ‘Sounds, Signs, and Boundaries’.
Angelos Matthaiou, ‘Attica,the Attic-Ionic Islands of the Cyclades, and the Dorian islands’.
Andrew Meadows, ‘Legends on Early Coins’.
Julián Méndez Dosuna, “The Pronunciation of Upsilon and Related Matters. A U-Turn?"
Sophie Minon, ‘Alphabetic and Graphic Mutations in the Peloponnese: the Case of Arcadia (c. 500-350 BC)’.
Catherine Morgan, ‘The Formation of Epichoric Alphabets in the Area of the Corinthian Gulf and the Central Ionian Islands: Material Considerations'
Nikolaos Papazarkadas, ‘Local Scripts of Boeotia’.
Rosalind Thomas , 'Writing and Pre-writing at Methone and Eretria'.
Rudolf Wachter, ‘The Genesis of the Local Alphabets of Archaic Greece’.
Roger Woodard, ‘Origins of the Alphabet’.
All are welcome to attend without charge, but please inform Robert Parker ( if you plan to attend. For accommodation, try