Winners of the Géza Alföldy Stipend 2016/17

Adak, Mustafa (Univ. of Akdeniz, TR)
Eine archaische Versinschrift aus Teos misogynen Inhalts

Benefiel, Rebecca (Washington & Lee Univ., Lexington)
Creating a resource for ancient handwritten inscriptions: The Ancient Graffiti Project

Benseddik, Nacera (Ecole Nation. de Conservation, Alger)
Un carmen funéraire découvert en Numidie

Hasegawa, Takashi (Keio Univ., Tokyo)
Identités et statuts sociaux des commerçants connus dans les sanctuaires de Nehalennia

Tsolakis, Georgios (Univ. of New York)
The ‘first citizens’ and ‘descendants of the co-founders of the city’. The composition of upper-class society at Aphrodisias